My Favorite Books of 2020
“I gravitate toward books that give me the feeling of delightfully staring at an open wound while pouring hydrogen peroxide over it: watching it fizzle and pop — a strangely meditative experience of pain, mystery and questionable satisfaction. ”
For many, 2020 wreaked havoc on their reading routine, and understandably. I also suffered from a fractured attention span, yet somehow I read more than 60 books. 2020 left me craving the strange dichotomy that reading provides: a connection to reality and an escape into fantasy. If anything, my fraught attention was begging for the stillness and active concentration reading requires. I discovered things about my reading preferences this year, and, in return, discovered things about myself. There are common themes in most of my top books this year: they’re ambiguous, experiential, poetic and mysterious. I like a story (both fiction and non-fiction) that challenges me, throws me off-kilter, and leaves me with questions.
Their vivid descriptions and compelling language provided me the connection to human experiences I was missing during this pandemic. These books will remind me of this wild time and the ways I’ve grown because of it.
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