Autumn Family Mixtape
I look forward to weekends with my kids so much. We’ve gotten into a good groove with their ages (almost 5 & 2). On Sundays, we all stay in our pajamas, cook our favorite dairy-free pancakes, play card games (Uno is the current favorite) and listen to music that the whole family enjoys. Right now, that is my Autumn Family Mixtape. I was inspired by my yearly visits to Big Sur and Big Basin with my family and their friends growing up. My mom’s best friend would pull out her guitar and have us gather around the campfire singing songs like: “The Circle Game” and “Where Have All The Flowers Gone.” Little did I know that these songs would become like fibers of my being— often singing them to my own kids as they drift off into dreamland.
I know these memories are most likely from late summer, but I felt like the music is fitting for this time of year when my family is inside more and listening to a lot of music as we move throughout our home.
So take a slow day, put on some candles, play old board games, bake pumpkin bread and listen to this delightful family-friendly playlist.